52mm ID Antistatic Food Ducting Heavy Duty

52mm ID Antistatic Food Ducting Heavy Duty

Product code: ZE0205200


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52mm Inside Diameter, Zeus Antistatic Food Ducting, Heavy Duty, 1.5mm Wall Thickness, 30 Metre Length, 215mm Bend Radius, Clear/Yellow, Ether based Polyurethane Reinforced with PVC Helix, 0.7Kg per Metre, Working Temperature -40°C to +80°C, Maximum Working Pressure 3 bar, IPL


Bend Radiusmm 215
Colour Clear/Yellow
Flange Size Inch 1.5
Inside Diametermm 52
Length Metres 30
Maximumworking Pressurebar 3
Nominal Bore Bmm 30
Nominal Boremm 0.7
Thread Gender A Clear/Yellow
Thread Type B 215
Wall Thicknessmm 1.5
Weight Kgper Metre 0.7
Working Temperature -40°C to +80°C